Learning for All Ages

Abiding Love offers ongoing Bible studies and study/sharing gatherings to grow in relationships and understanding and to discuss key topics of faith in contemporary life. All are welcome to participate in any of the gatherings at any time!

Sundays, 9:45 AM


Year Round

Adult Bible Boosters – In-depth study of the Old and New Testaments. Meets in the Classroom.

Adult Forum – Bible study and reading/discussion on a variety of topics led by Pastor Brad Highum and visiting teachers. Meets in the Sanctuary.


September  -  May

Godly Play: Infants—3rd Grade

Children are invited to engage in spiritual discovery through stories, parables, silence, and sacred liturgy, Godly Play helps children discover God, themselves, one another and the world around them. Meet in the Sanctuary for opening.

Submerge: 4th-5th Grade

Students explore biblical stories around a common theme, ask questions, and share in conversation. Submerge is meant to serve as a "bridge" between Godly Play and Confirmation. Meet in the Sanctuary for opening.

Confirmation: 6th-8th

Middle School students explore the Bible, Lutheran theology, and what it means to be a person of faith in the world. Meet in the Middle School Classroom.

High School: 9th-12th

Students gather for small group study and conversations. Meet in the High School Classroom.



Women Alive!

Contact Joan Hokanson, 512-963-1708, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Pastor Brad’s Bible Study

Led by Pastor Brad. Meets Tuesdays, 10:30 am, in the Classroom.

Women's Ministry Small Groups 

These small groups meet on various days, mornings and evenings, during the month. Check the on-line calendar at abidinglove.org for specific meeting dates and time.