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Worship in the Sanctuary

8:30 & 11:00 am

Abiding Love is a welcoming, inclusive community of people making the spiritual journey together. We are singles and families, young and old, devout and questioning, church-raised and new to faith. Everyone is welcome here to engage fully in the life of the community and to express their gifts in new ways. We are devoted to sharing God’s love in worship and service to people in greatest need, around Austin and around the world. You can connect and learn and serve and grow here.

Worship at Abiding Love is rooted in Lutheran traditions, with strong liturgies and Gospel-centered messages. Worship includes a blend of liturgical elements and musical styles.

Communion is shared every Sunday at both services, and all are welcome to the table! Wine and grape juice are always available, as well as gluten free wafers upon request. Adults and children who do not wish to receive communion are welcome to come forward for a blessing.

Children are active participants in the Abiding Love community and are always welcome in the worship service.

Ushers are available if you need assistance finding a seat, the restrooms, or have questions.  Assistive listening devices are available for use during worship.

You will have an opportunity to provide some contact information. We will not add your name to any mailing list without your permission.

Attire is casual.

Abiding Love Worship Services Online

Go to the Watch button on the home page and click on the links.  

Learning for All Ages

Abiding Love offers learning opportunities for all ages, Sundays, 9:45 am:

Year Round

Adult Bible Boosters – In-depth study of the Old and New Testaments. Meets in the Classroom.

Adult Forum – Bible study and reading/discussion on a variety of topics led by Pastor Brad Highum and visiting teachers. Meets in the Sanctuary.


September  -  May

Godly Play: Infants—3rd Grade

Children are invited to engage in spiritual discovery through stories, parables, silence, and sacred liturgy, Godly Play helps children discover God, themselves, one another and the world around them. Meet in the Sanctuary for opening.

Submerge: 4th-5th Grade

Students explore biblical stories around a common theme, ask questions, and share in conversation. Submerge is meant to serve as a "bridge" between Godly Play and Confirmation. Meet in the Sanctuary for opening.

Confirmation: 6th-8th

Middle School students explore the Bible, Lutheran theology, and what it means to be a person of faith in the world. Meet in the Middle School Classroom.

High School: 9th-12th

Students gather for small group study and conversations. Meet in the High School Classroom.

How Do I Get to Abiding Love?

Abiding Love Lutheran Church
7210 Brush Country Rd
Austin, TX 78749-2374

Making Space for Children

Children are active participants in the Abiding Love community and are always welcome in the worship service!

  • We encourage you to bring children to worship. Sit close to the front or the center aisle so children can see. If you need to step out during worship, feel free to do so at any time.
  • Relax! God put the wiggle in children—no need to suppress it in God’s house. We want children to know they are safe in this house of worship.
  • Children are welcomed to eat at our great, big family table: Holy Communion. If your child expresses interest in taking Communion (by asking or by reaching out), they are ready to learn more. Please allow your children to participate. This meal is God’s gift and no one is denied. We offer classes for many ages of children to begin a journey of understanding the mystery of Holy Communion, and these classes can come before or after they begin participating. Remember, the gift of Jesus’ forgiveness is free for all.
  • We encourage children to participate in worship by coming to the front to hear the Children’s Sermon. We also invite children to carry the wine or bread during the offertory. As they grow, we invite them to become acolytes, lectors and musicians.
  • Activity sheets are available for children in the narthex. Encourage them to participate; when we stand, when we sit, when we sing and when we pray.
  • Should your child need a short break from worship, feel free to continue worshipping with your child from the back narthex (lobby). A cry room is also available at the back of the sanctuary for infants and parents.